Tianjin Tianhan Chemicals Co.,Ltd
Products detail
Product Name: Sodium Tripolyphosphate
Product Type: Inorganic Chemicals -> Inorganic salts
Product spec: 94%
Packing: 25kg/bag
Post Time: 2010-10-20
Usage: Mainly used as addition agent ,soap synergistic agent for synthetic detergent ;adjust and buffer the soap PH value ;auxiliaries for paint and dyeing ;dispersant of drilling mud ;anti –oil agent in papermaking industry.
Description: Content------------------------------------------------94% min. P2o5 content-----------------------------------------57%min. Whiteness---------------------------------------------88%min. Insoluble matter--------------------------------------0.1%max. Fe--------------------------------------------------------70ppm max. Size: residue on 1.00 test sieve------------------5.0%max. Loss on ignition (500℃)----------------------------1% max. Ph value (1% solution)------------------------------9.2-10.0 Bulk density (g/cm3)--------------------------------0.65-0.99 Contact: sales-8@tianhanchem.com
Recipient: Cassiel Qi Company: Tianjin Tianhan Chemicals Co.,Ltd
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